at the heart of the City of Inverness
Jesus said: Love one another, just as I love you.
Welcome to Ness Bank Parish Church, a Church of Scotland congregation.
We are a Presbyterian church and part of the Reformed tradition.
Ness Bank Church’s vision is to be a church without walls reaching out in faith to our parish and beyond with the light, the love, the hope and the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We serve Christ in many different ways at Ness Bank Church, but at the heart of all that we do week by week is our faith in Jesus Christ and central to that is our Sunday morning worship – come and see for yourself, you are assured of a warm welcome and you may just find it transforms your life.

Rev. Stuart Smith
Sunday Worship
16 March 2025 at 11.00 am.
The Service will be conducted by Rev Stuart Smith.
Tea and Coffee will be served in the hall after the service.

What's Happening?

The Guild
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 11 March at 7.30pm in the hall, when there will be exercises for the older person, with Deborah Jamieson, Physiotherapist. All welcome.

Grace Gatherings at Ness Bank
Ness Bank on Wednesdays at 2pm until Easter: an informal time to meet friends, drink tea, sing songs and think about Bible stories from the book of Genesis. All welcome, with no homework required!.

Ach an Eas
The monthly service at Ach an Eas will be held next Sunday, 16 March at 3pm. Members of the congregation are warmly invited to come along and join the residents for this short service of worship.

Kirk Session
The next meeting of the Kirk Session will be held on Wednesday 19 March at 7.30pm in Room 1.

Annual Stated Meeting
The Annual Stated Meeting will be held in the church immediately after the morning service on Sunday 30 March. If possible, please stay for this short meeting as it gives you an opportunity to raise any questions you may have and, most importantly, it highlights the state of our finances.

Messy Church
Our spectacular Easter event will be on Sunday 6 April when we will explain
the wonderful story in music, story, drama and activities. Further info here.
Team Messy Church.

Easter Alive
Easter Alive at Ness Bank during Holy Week – an open time in the church to tell and share the Easter story in words, actions, art and music.
Opening Times:
Palm Sunday (13th April) – 1pm to 3pm.
Holy Week (14th–18th April) – 10am to 4pm.
Thursday Evening (17th April) – 6pm to 8pm.
We require volunteers to welcome visitors. If you could spare time that week, please add your name to the list in the Vestibule, or contact the Church Office.
Many thanks.
An Invitation to Sing

Highland Foodbank
The Foodbank has expressed thanks for the extremely generous support received from churches across Highland. Donations in the lead up to Christmas boosted their stocks, and will enable them to continue to support those within our communities who are in food crisis well into 2025!
The items being requested for January and February are:
Long life juice/diluting Oatcakes/crackers UHT Milk
Tins of fruit Tins of vegetables Tins of ham
Sugar Shower Gel

“The Crucifixion” by John Stainer
Come and sing “The Crucifixion’ at Inverness Cathedral on Good Friday, 18 April. Registration & rehearsal at 2.00pm, for performance at 5.00pm. Free admission and participation. Concert at 5.00pm open to all – retiring collection for Al Ahli Hospital, Gaza Appeal & Cathedral Music Trust.
Baby & Toddler Group
The Group meets in the Main Hall every Wednesday during term time from 9.30-11.30am. All parents and carers with children under 5 are welcome. The cost is £3.00 per family. For further information on the group, please contact Anne Sutherland tel 238238.
Ness Bank Crafties
The Crafties meet every Tuesday at 10.00am in Room 2.
New members always welcome.
The Choir
​Choir Practices take place on Thursdays at 7.30pm in Room 1. New voices in all parts will be made most welcome.
Our Café at Ness Bank Church is open for vegetarian meals, tea, coffee and a warm welcome.
​Change to Opening Hours: From Tuesday 5 November 2024 we will change to winter opening hours.
We will be open 10am t0 3pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
A simple breakfast will be available10am to 11.30am.
Lunch will be served from 1pm.
Tea and coffee available throughout the day.